Trademark Registration
We know you have worked very hard to finalized a name/logo/tagline for your business. Let’s protect it from unauthorized use.
Why Trademark Registration
• A registered trademark highly increases the legal protections offered to your brand.
• Trademarks acts as a shield to protect your brand
• Enlist us so that you have the freedom of mind to focus on your core business activities.
• A trademark is a logo/name/tagline etc that is used, or intended to be used, to identify one company from other. It is a brand name.
• Trademarks are central business tools as they allow companies to establish their product’s market image without having to worry that an inferior product will weaken their brand image or profit by misleading the consumer.
• Trademarks include words, names, symbols and logos etc. Anything that clearly classifies your company can be a trademark, provided that it is for goods.
Service Marks & Trademarks
• There is only one difference between a service mark and a trademark, that is, service mark is used to distinguish services in the stream of business. Like a trademark, a service mark can include words, names, symbols, logos etc.
• Usually, trademarks appear on the actual product or its packaging. Service marks appear generally in advertising for the services. In general, when we use the term “trademark,” we mean both trademarks and service marks.
Advantages of Trademark Registration
Trademark an Asset
• Trademark can be an asset to the owner as the owner can sell, franchise or permit other companies to use it. While doing so, owner can ask for royalty or price for its registered trademark.
• Legal Protection
• In case of registered trademark, owner has the right to take action against person copying its trademark.
• But if you didn’t register your trademark, you cannot take action against a 2nd party for using your logo/tagline or name.
• In a nutshell, the registered trademark holder can take legal action against anyone who tries to copy the trademark without prior permission.
Trust or Goodwill
• A well-positioned trademark brings the uniqueness to your product, it can create trust, confidence, goodwill and quality in your customers mind.
Unique Image and Identity
• Registered Trademark helps to create a unique identity of your company.
• Its positions your product perfectly in market and creates a strong image in customer minds.
• Well established logo or tagline itself is an identity. E.g. Nike, Adidas gets more recognized by their logos as compared to other brands.
kaushikii Three Steps Process for Trademark Registration
• Connect to kaushikii team
• Provide necessary documents required for trademark registration
• Our expert advisor will consult you and complete the whole procedure to obtain Trademark registration for your brand
Trademark registration Procedure: –
• Complete our questionnaire form
• Conduct and analyze trademark search: – to find out and analyzed that unique logo/tagline/name is available
• Class selection: – depending on product nature, we assist you to select appropriate class for your product
• Drafting Trademark application: – We create your Trademark application and get your TM number
• Trademark registration process completed: – you can register your trademark for 1-5 years
Documents required for trademark registration
• PAN Card or Passport or Election ID Card
• Copy of Voter’s ID/Passport/Driver’s License
• Signed Trademark application
• Scanned copy of Registration Certificate
• Logo/Brand Name File